Purple Kohlrabi – A Vegetable that Prevent Cancer & Support Immune System!
is available on purchases between $10 and $2,000
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Purple Kohlrabi – A Vegetable that Prevent Cancer & Support Immune System! – 50 Seeds
Kohlrabi is an annual vegetable, and is a low, stout cultivar of cabbage. They can be can be served fresh in sliced, julienned and grated form, in salads, barbecue, stir-fry and vegetable platters. Kohlrabi root is frequently used soups and stews. It has a texture similar to that of a broccoli stem, but with a flavour that is sweeter and less vegetal. Kohlrabi leaves are edible and can be used interchangeably with collard and kale.
Kohlrabi is a nutrient-rich vegetable and has numerous health benefits below:
Cancer Prevention Good for the Circulatory System Kohlrabi is Nutrient Dense
Normalizes sugar imbalance in diabetic patients Assists in Proper Muscle and Nerve Functions Maintains a Healthy Immune System
Weight Loss Acidosis Asthma
Heart problems Indigestion Muscle and nerve functions
Promotes Healthy Digestion Stabilize blood pressure Skin Problems
International Buyers:
If the postage is lost in transit and you do not receive them or your country’s custom confiscate the seeds, I won’t be responsible for it. You will not be refunded nor resend the seeds again. Please do not buy the seeds if you are not agreed to this terms. If you want me send through registered post, please contact me before you pay for the item.
Due to quarantine restrictions, seeds can’t be sent to Tasmania
Growing Instructions:
They are very easy to grow & easy to maintain. Best time to sow seeds after frost. Seeds need minimum 20°C to germinate and sow them in 5mm deep in a sunny, well-drained position. Germinates within a week in warm condition.