Beetroot – Detroit 2 Bolivar – Wonderful Variety for Market & Home Grower!
is available on purchases between $10 and $2,000
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Beetroot – Detroit 2 Bolivar – Wonderful Variety for Market & Home Grower! – 50 Seeds
Detroit 2 Bolivar is voted by Gardeners World taste testers as the best tasting beetroot!!!
Beetroot Detroit 2 Bolivar produces excellent quality, smooth skinned globe beets with strong skin and flesh colour. This is a high yielding variety with beautiful internal colour and excellent taste. It is suited to both early spring & late autumn crops and can be grown in containers all year round. Thin alternate roots for use as baby beet and allow the rest to grow on to maturity. The dark red, delicious-tasting roots are ideal for baking, pickling, or grating raw into salads; the young leaves can be eaten like spinach.
Best time to sow seeds after frost. Seeds need min 20°C to germinate. Sow them 5mm deep in a sunny, well-drained position. Keep moist & they germinates within 7 days. Enjoy your harvest approx in 12 weeks.
Due to quarantine restrictions, seeds can’t be sent to Tasmania.